Thursday, 20 June 2013

Raspberry Frappe

What an extremely hot day, here, in Poland! The real summer is not with us yet, buuut to my great astonishment, we could experience a Sahara conditions today! So how to cool yourself down during such muggy day? A raspberry frappe is the answer - cooling down & waking up miracle. Surprisingly, raspberries matches here. :) But unfortunately strawberries don't (I tried).
The recipe comes from:

Ingredients (for 2 cups):

  • 60-80 g of raspberries
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • 1 square of dark chocolate (optional)
  • 2-4 ice cubes
  • espresso/coffee*
  • 100 ml of 30-36% cream or steamed milk
  • chocolate chips (optional)
* no measure of ml here, because it depends on the height of your glass (it is good to take Irish coffee glass) and on your own taste.


  1. Prepare ice cubes if you don't have any.
  2. Prepare your coffee. Leave it till it cools down
  3. Put raspberries, sugar and chocolate in food processor. Mix till smooth.
  4. Put the puree on the bottom of your glass. Add ice.
  5. Tilt the glass and carefully, pour the coffee slowly on the side of the glass (it is advisable to prepare a coffee in a jug - it is easier to put its spout on the edge of the coffee glass and pour the coffee slowly into the glass) It needs to be done carefully not to mess up the fruit puree bottom.
  6. Put whipped cream or steamed milk on the top. Add chocolate chips on the top if you want to.
  7. Bon appetit :)

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